Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessments
Annual Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessments are good practice and recommended by the HSE
Good practice within an organisation is to undertake an annual DSE screening assessment for all computer users. Nominated DSE assessors in the workplace can help with this however if there are persistent or unresolved health concerns, OPA Health can provide a detailed on-site medical DSE assessment.
OPA Health Ltd can offer on-site DSE assessments where an employee has identified a health issue associated with the work station they are using. The health concerns are maybe musculoskeletal in nature, a repetitive strain injury, upper or lower backache, posture issues.
OPA Health Ltd can offer on-site DSE assessments where an employee has identified a health issue associated with the work station they are using. The health concerns are maybe musculoskeletal in nature, a repetitive strain injury, upper or lower backache, posture issues.
The DSE assessment includes an on-site visit to the individual for a 1:1 evaluation of their workstation. The DSE user’s general health, working equipment and wider working environment are assessed for the impact on the individual’s symptoms. Access to a private separate room is required for the initial part of the assessment before the work station is assessed. OPA Health will provide a report with recommended adjustments and equipment to purchase.